Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

August blues

It's so hot and sticky. The humidity just hangs around the fields creating a bacteria and fungus cesspool. The bugs love it! It's a breeding and feeding bonanza. The weeds are happy too. They've steadily adapted to take advantage of these weather conditions. They grow so fast that they quickly get to seed before I can blink. Our plants grow super fast in this weather too—that is if they survive the soggy cesspool and the pest-breeding bonanza...

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So… it turns out I’m really not that tough.
Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

So… it turns out I’m really not that tough.

I've been experiencing some major blood-thirst. There are so many creatures plaguing this farm. The deer have come out of the woods with their oh-so-cute (and irritating!) little bambies and are trampling around the fields with complete disrespect for ALL of our fencing efforts. The groundhogs are fat, ugly, and hungry. Where are the coyotes?? And the Raccoons!! Ugh, don't even get me started on their smarmy little faces. Just chowing down on YOUR corn.

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Farming is devastating!
Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

Farming is devastating!

Just when you think you have a handle on the moment...BOOM flash flood. Why?? Is this the universe's way of enforcing a sort of zen spirituality on farmers?

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton


I hate math, but I love data. Spreadsheets are SO cool.

This year, I am tracking all of our sales in each category (market, farm share, and wholesale) by item, date, and price.

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton


Organic farming is a challenge. Or, euphemistically, an adventure! The latest and greatest emerging organic farming adventure for us in the muggy, buggy south, is pest management.

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What a week can do.
Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

What a week can do.

Last week at exactly this time I sat in this exact same rickety lawn chair with the sun shining on my back looking at these glorious green hills and felt an easy satisfaction with my life. As you might recall, I wrote a whole blog post about it—the post was called "confidence". That is exactly what I felt, confident.

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton


So far the biggest difference I feel as a farmer this year vs. last is all personal. I'm just not as terrified as I was last year.

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton


So, I was going to write another depressing blog about this past week of incredibly stressful weather. I mean, look at these sad, sad, tomatoes :(

BUT not even frozen tomatoes can totally ruin spring. SO, in honor of the delightful aspects of running a farm, I wanted to record the incredible adventure mom and I had to SamNana last weekend.

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

The glories and woes of an early spring

The daffodils are in bloom, the hills are turning green, and I'm ecstatic to get up in the morning—it must be spring! But wait... it's only mid-March. What happened to the worrisome tail end of winter? That last snow that ruins my spring planting and keeps my heart rate up all the way to April? Is it possible that we might have a long, lovely, gentle spring?? Seems almost too good to be true.

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Susanna Thornton Susanna Thornton

Finding peers

There aren't a lot of Organic vegetables farmers in Botetourt County. Actually there are no other certified organic growers in this county.

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